About this course

By: ; Date: Thu Dec 30 2021 03:31:49 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)

This is a course in metaphysics. You may use this work in any way you choose. This site will not promote "Black Magic", "Voodooism", "Sadism" or any other practice whose aim is to cause harm and destruction in the world, or which endeavors to control or take over a persons free will.

The material on this site was adapted from a course taught by my teacher Gary Russell. He taught his course for no charge, and I (David Herron) offer this course in the same light. This is a gift to the world, may you use the material herein to enlighten your life and yourself so that we may all become free. I took training from Gary during 1994-1996 and upon graduation from the class he told us all we could teach this material ourselves. You will find throughout the site links to books, videos, music, and more, and it is fair to inform you that most of those links work through affiliate programs that return me a commission on any sales made through the links. The commissions help to support this site and my work in maintaining it and other related sites.

At the time I (David Herron) met Gary, he was a retired construction worker. He had been studying and teaching metaphysics for many years, approaching the material with a working mans philosophy of life. He claimed that most of the material in the course was taught to him directly from Spirit, but on later study it was clear he had great influences from reading existing books in the field. He had a strong dedication and sincerity around this material, and what he felt was his mission in life.

At the time I met Gary, I had just begun studies into spiritual life which have grown to bring great change enlightenment into my life. I had just finished learning hypnotherapy, a far-out wacko form of hypnotherapy at that, and before this had been actively making fun of the spiritual mumbo-jumbo such as my Mother talked about (she is a channeler), and which is now a huge part of my life. I worked then, as I do now, in the Silicon Valley software industry as a software developer, and have been privileged to have a front row seat to many interesting events in the development of the Internet (including the whole .COM Boom phenomenon of 1998-99). In the years since the hypnotherapy and metaphysics training, I have learned, massage, Reiki (and publish The Reiki Page), other forms of energy healing, and am a graduate of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing. Information on my private healing practice is at http://peaceguide.com/.

All pages on this site are � 2003-2006 David Herron and Gary Russell. They may be freely duplicated for your own reference. The course materials may only be distributed to others at no charge, and that the source of the material be attributed to this web site.