By: +David Herron; Date: Thu Dec 30 2021 03:31:49 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)
Yammakavagga - The Pairs (verses 1-20)
Appamadavagga - Heedfulness (verses 21-32)
Cittavagga - The Mind (verses 33-43)
Pupphavagga - Flowers (verses 44-59)
Balavagga - The Fool (verses 60-75)
Panditavagga - The Wise Man (verses 76-89)
Arahantavagga - The Perfected One (verses 90-99)
Sahassavagga - The Thousands (verses 100-115)
Papavagga - Evil (verses 116-128)
Dandavagga - Violence (verses 129-145)
Jaravagga - Old Age (verses 146-156)
Attavagga - The Self (verses 157-166)
Lokavagga - The World (verses 167-178)
Buddhavagga - The Buddha (verses 179-196)
Sukhavagga - Happiness (verses 197-208)
Piyavagga - Affection (verses 209-220)
Kodhavagga - Anger (verses 221-234)
Malavagga - Impurity (verses 235-255)
Dhammatthavagga - The Just (verses 256-272)
Maggavagga - The Path (verses 273-289)
Pakinnakavagga - Miscellaneous (verses 290-305)
Nirayavagga - The State of Woe (verses 306-319)
Nagavagga - The Elephant (verses 320-333)
Tanhavagga - Craving (verses 334-359)
Should one see a wise man, who, like a revealer of treasure, points out faults and reproves; let one associate with such a wise person; it will be better, not worse, for him who associates with such a one.
Let him advise, instruct, and dissuade one from evil; truly pleasing is he to the good, displeasing is he to the bad.
Associate not with evil friends, associate not with mean men; associate with good friends, associate with noble men.
He who practises the Dhamma abides in happiness with mind pacified; the wise man ever delights in the Dhamma revealed by the Ariyas.
Irrigators lead the water; fletchers fashion the shaft; carpenters carve the wood; the wise discipline themselves.
As a solid rock is not shaken by the wind, even so the wise remain unshaken amidst blame and praise.
Just as a deep lake is clear and still, even so, on hearing the teachings, the wise become exceedingly peaceful.
The good give up (attachment for) everything; the saintly prattle not with sensual craving; whether affected by happiness or by pain, the wise show neither elation nor depression.
Neither for the sake of oneself nor for the sake of another (does a wise person do any wrong); he should not desire son, wealth, or kingdom (by doing wrong); by unjust means he should not seek his own success. Then (only) such a one is indeed virtuous, wise and righteous.
Few among men are they who cross to the further shore. The other folk only run up and down the bank on this side.
But those who act rightly accordingly to the teaching, which is well expounded, those are they who will reach the Beyond-Nibbana (crossing) the realm of passions, so hard to cross.
A wise man renounces evil and sensual pleasure and he does all meritorious work in order to attain Nibbana. He becomes a homeless one.
By having no attachment and desires and by forsaking sensual pleasures, a wise man gets rid of his impurities.
Those, who practise the seven Factors (Mindfulness, Investigation of the Dhamma, Energy, Rapture, Calmness, Concentration, Equanimity), and have freed themselves from attachments, attain Nibbana.