This movie, What the <bleep> do we know, presents a story that strikes to the core of what I'm covering on the PeaceGuide web site. First it represents an attempt to bring together science and spiritual teachings, offering a way to weave them together. Secondly, that the world we see around us is not what it appears to be, and that we can choose our lives differently and that doing so will in turn affect the quality of our lives, and the world.
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This movie is kind of like two movies in one. They are existing in parallel tracks, with each one playing off the other. The "A" movie is a bunch of scientists talking about quantum physics, consciousness, religion, neuropeptides, and sex. The "B" movie shows the life of a depressed woman trying to find peace in the world, and an awakening she has inspired by the work Dr. Emoto does with water.
There are four areas of information presented in the "A" movie. Of course, as the "A" movie progresses, scenes from the "B" movie are interspliced to demonstrate what the people in the "A" movie are saying. The four areas are:
- Quantum physics, and how it is beginning to validate much of what mystics have taught over the millenia.
- The role of God in society, and is the Divine really this overpowering, domineering, and controlling force which The Church has portrayed it to be? No, is the answer.
- The work of Dr. Emoto showing how thoughts and emotions and intention can affect water. The question is, if our thoughts affect our water, then what else in our bodies do our thoughts affect?
- An introduction to neuropeptides, the Molecules of Emotion, and how they drive the emotional reactions in our bodies.
The story is brought together pretty well with the introduction to Dr. Candace Pert's work. She has deeply studied the role the neurotransmitters play in the body's emotional process. In the movie they present stunning graphics depicting how the neural system, primarily in the brain, gets wired and rewired based on the beliefs we hold and focus on. Those beliefs play a large role in our emotional response to the world, and together play a large role in our experience of our life.
A flaw in the movie is that Dr. Amit Goswami's excellent ideas get little airplay.
The movie asks you to connect that with two other ideas. The first is that our thoughts and intention create what appears to be the physical world we live in, this idea coming from quantum physicists like Fred Alan Wolf and Amit Goswami. The second is the demonstration by Dr. Emoto that thoughts and intention do, demonstrably, affect something like the crystalization of water.